Server Side Includes (SSI) is a well-known server-side scripting language, which can be used to incorporate the content of one file inside a second file. It's employed mostly with online content and it could help make a static HTML site far more dynamic. If you'd like to have a daily quote shown on various webpages on your site, for example, you can create a text file and switch the quote inside it daily. All of the web pages where this file is included are going to show the updated quote, so you'll not need to change every one of them manually every time. SSI may also be used to include the output of simple functions as opposed to a static file - for example, the viewer's IP address, a hit counter or perhaps the current date and time. In this manner, you can make your site appear much more professional and much more appealing to the visitors. Pages that employ SSI get a .shtml extension.

Server Side Includes in Website Hosting

All Linux website hosting that we offer support Server Side Includes, so you can include dynamic elements to your static website that you host on our cloud system. By making an empty .htaccess file and adding several lines of code inside, you are able to enable SSI for a domain name or a subdomain. The file concerned must be inside the particular folder where you will use SSI and you'll get the code within our Frequently Asked Questions section, so you don't need any kind of coding experience. The 24/7 tech support team will also be capable to assist you with enabling Server Side Includes if you aren't certain how to proceed. You should also make sure to change the extension of all of the files that are going to use SSI from .html to .shtml and make certain that the links on your site point to the proper files.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Server Side Includes may be enabled in no time with each and every semi-dedicated server plan that we offer and the entire process will take you under a minute and simply several clicks. You can enable SSI by making a blank .htaccess file inside a domain or subdomain root folder with the File Manager tool in the Hosting Control Panel or an FTP program of your preference, then typing in a number of lines of code, which you'll be able to get from the SSI article in our thorough Knowledgebase. The one thing remaining after that shall be to double-check if all of the webpages that will use Server Side Includes are updated from .html to .shtml and then to alter backlinks to different webpages on your website, so as to represent the changes in the file extensions.