Free Templates

100+ charge–free WordPress and Joomla web site themes to choose from

It is possible to download a new Wordpress or Joomla template with a single click from your Website Control Panel. You do not need to go to any 3rd party websites for top–class web site themes. We have a wide selection for you readily incorporated into your hosting account. Just pick the site template of your choosing and hit the Download button. All design templates are absolutly free of charge for you.

Free Templates

Website Installer

Launch your very own personal web site with a click of the mouse

Our hosting packages provide you with a quick way to launch your very own personal website, even if you lack technical expertise. Thanks to the Website Installer Tool integrated into the ideamaxima Website Control Panel, developing your business or personal website is quite easy – just specify the kind of site you’d like along with a desired web page layout. We will publish your new web site right away and will send you information on how to manage it with just a mouse click.

Website Installer

24x7 Support

Contact us 24/7

You can contact us 24x7x365 with any questions that you may have about our website hosting solutions. You may get in touch with us via e–mail and via the ticket platform and we will reply to you within up to 60 min. Actually, our average response time is less than twenty minutes. Furthermore, you can give us a ring or use the online chat service during working hours.

24x7 Support

Web App Installer

Over forty applications to pick out from

Installing a web app can be a long and difficult procedure. Unless you have an Applications Installer tool with over 40 available web applications, which you can install with one mouse click. We’ve made the actual setup as easy as possible, which means that you no longer have to loose time thinking about how to set up your application. We will keep your login details in the Website Control Panel should you forget your password.

Web App Installer

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

A riskless cloud hosting service. You’ll receive a refund if you are unhappy

If, for any reason whatsoever, you are not very pleased with the website hosting service or with our customer care service, you will be able to take advantage of our 30–day MBG. All you need to do is send a refund request using our ticket platform and our sales staff will take care of it. Have in mind that domain registrations are final and nonrefundable.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

  • Service guarantees

  • Our packages come with absolutely no installation fees plus a 30–day money–back warranty. ideamaxima’s regular reply–back time frame is 20 minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a glance at the allocations and capabilities provided by all of our website hosting plans. You could start off with a smaller plan and move up with simply a mouse click as your web site evolves.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us whenever you want within business hours on weekdays for any pre–sale or basic queries concerning ideamaxima’s service. Give us a call anytime.